The idea of Baptist Bible Study came about when the owner was at the park back in 2016, and prayed for how he could share the Gospel with everyone, and lead the lost to being Born Again. Then in a still small voice, the Holy Spirit said "Start a Bible Study." And from there, he also Prayed about having the Bible Study's name to be Baptist Bible Study, and the Holy Spirit gave him peace about that name.
A year later, he joined a Bible Study called T.4.T. Impact (Teens for The Truth making an Impact.) that was started by his friend. And for a while, he has stayed with T4T Impact, then the owner of T4T Impact has been called of God to do God's Will for his life. But before that, he handed him the ownership of T.4.T. Impact, and he has been the owner of the Bible Study since. From there, he has had the Bible Study in the morning at his school until Graduation. They have remained a small amount of people. Then after Graduation, the Bible Study had sort of faded due to not finding a way to have Bible Study.
Three years later, he came across a way to start having Bible Study again. And that is to start having them on Facebook. The First Bible Study in about three years was first uploaded on April of 2020. Then a few months later, he started putting a plan together to have the Bible Study to where anyone who does not have Facebook can still watch Bible Study. During that time, he has not uploaded any Bible Studies for several weeks. The result was Baptist Bible Study's Official Website. With a website, you do not have to have an account to watch the Bible Studies. And as well, The Lord has put it on his heart to change the name from T.4.T. Impact to Baptist Bible Study, Merging the Bible Study that God has put on his heart back in 2016 with the Bible Study that was handed down to him from the previous owner. He prays that Baptist Bible Study's Website will continue to be a Blessing to you, your friends, and family, and for future generations. Have a Blessed day Today.
-Owner of Baptist Bible Study